Health benefits
Pelvic floor weakness - a very real problem for very many women
Childbirth can be a very traumatic process and it quite usual for the pelvic floor muscles to be stretched, torn or cut during delivery.
Menopause can just make an underlying problem much, much worse.
Effective exercise offers a simple and rapid solution
Your pelvic floor muscles play a critical role supporting all your internal organs and your urethra, bladder, uterus and rectum. Regular effective pelvic floor exercises will help to strengthen the these essential muscles and increased muscle tone and vitality can bring many extra benefits.
Improve your bladder control
The unexpected leaking of urine when you exercise, laugh, cough or sneeze is a direct result of weak or stretched muscles. Exercise helps by strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that wrap around the urethra and anus to give you better control and greater personal confidence.
Enhance your sexual pleasure & intimacy
"Sexercises" offer a quick and effective treatment for a weak or stretched pelvic floor that can quickly improve your 'intimate contact' and work wonders for your sex life.
Help in pregnancy and childbirth
During pregnancy your pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role supporting your baby and your internal organs. Weakness in the pelvic floor can mean that the weight of your organs and your child can cause a prolapse where your bladder or rectum push into the vaginal cavity. Weak pelvic floor muscles can also mean that your muscle action during labour is inadequate and prolong the delivery of your child. Preparing for pregnancy with an advance programme of PelvicToner exercises will benefit the mother throughout the pregnancy, birth and post partum.
Note: The manufacturers of the PelvicToner do not recommend the use of the PelvicToner during pregnancy. This is purely for pragmatic reasons and follows guidance given by many specialists in the field.
Ease vaginal prolapse
Vaginal prolapse is very common following pregnancy and childbirth. Pelvic floor exercises are the recommended treatment for mild and moderate prolapse and but effective exercises help also help prevent prolapse and improve all the muscles supporting the organs at risk.
Beneficial in many other ways
Whilst stress incontinence and prolapse are the most common problems associated with pelvic floor weakness, there are many other health conditions that can benefit from effective pelvic floor exercises.
Amongst the many letters and emails we receive we have had many comments about the help that the PelvicToner has given for a wide range of conditions including Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and endometriosis.