Research & comment

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A large scale clinical trial in the UK concluded that the PelvicToner was as effective as the 'Gold Standard' treatment currently on offer with the additional advantage that it offered extra benefits to make pelvic floor exercises more effective and improve compliance with an exercise programme.

The US trial demonstrated conclusively how the PelvicToner can significantly improve muscle tone and strength both in resting and active (Kegel) phases.

Further reading

You can expand your knowledge and understanding of the whole subject of pelvic floor health by reading from the following published articles:

Why do women deny themselves treatment for incontinence?

Research in the US goes a long way to explaining why women do not or will not ask for help with their incontinence problems. In conclusions that reflect the statements made by NICE about women in the UK, the US research suggests that it is the lack of knowledge and the attitudes of doctors that create the biggest barrier to seeking help for a problem that can be simply and effectively cured in over 80% of cases.

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NICE engagement exercise for quality standard on Urinary incontinence in women

In April 2014 NICE sought comments from registered stakeholders for the development of quality standards in the treatment of Urinary incontinence in women. This is the submission made by SPM Ltd

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Comments on Draft NICE Guidelines CG171

The updated guidelines for the treatment of Urinary Stress Incontinence in Women were published in draft form in September 2013 and stakeholders in the process were invited to comment. This is the submission made by SPM Ltd and the responses given by NICE

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The Kegel Legacy - 65 years of denial

In 1948 Arnold Kegel published the first of his many papers on the pelvic floor and recommended a series of exercises that could transform the lives of millions of women. Why did the medical profession consistently ignore his key findings and promote a pale imitation of his exercises that fails to work for the majority of women?

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The PelvicTonerâ„¢ independent review TIPS

I had two medically intrusive traumatic births and a vaginal hysterectomy. I am now a 44 year old busy Mum of two. Although I have been lucky not to suffer from any urinary stress incontinence, I can definitely use all the help I can get with my pelvic floor and exercises!

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Pelvic organ prolapse - a common problem

Approximately 30%-40% of women develop some presentation of vaginal prolapse in their lifetime, usually following menopause, childbirth, or a hysterectomy. Most women who develop this condition are older than 40 years of age. Many women who develop symptoms of a vaginal prolapse do not seek medical help because of embarrassment or other reasons.

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Why the PelvicToner is such an effective treatment

Unfortunately, most health professionals do not teach Kegel exercises in the way that Kegel suggested, with the result that most women fail to achieve the benefits that are possible if you squeeze a resistance. What makes matters worse is that the vast majority of GPs do not even follow NICE Guidelines

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Why sexercises are essential

Your sex muscles need to be in shape too. Find our how a strong pelic floor can do wonders to your sex life.

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Review of NICE Clinical Guidelines CG40

In June 2011 NICE published a 'scope' document in advance of a review of the Clinical Guidelines CG40. It was significant that this review of treatments for Urinary Stress Incontinence focussed entirely on pharmaceutical and surgical intervention and totally ignored developments in non-invasive lifestyle management approaches such as pelvic floor muscle training. This is the letter sent to NICE

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Take control with PelvicToner - advert

Dr Sarah Jarvis

Dr Sarah JarvisClick to hear Dr Sarah Jarvis, medical broadcaster and BBC Radio 2 Doctor, discuss stress incontinence, pelvic floor exercises and the PelvicToner

Click to listen Dr Sarah Jarvis discusses the PelvicToner

Janey Lee Grace

Janey Lee GraceJaney Lee Grace, broadcaster and author of many books on natural health, is a great advocate of natural solutions.

Watch Janey talk about the PelvicToner on Janey Loves