Why the PelvicToner is such an effective treatment

Unfortunately, most health professionals do not teach Kegel exercises in the way that Kegel suggested, with the result that most women fail to achieve the benefits that are possible if you squeeze a resistance.

What makes matters worse is that the vast majority of GPs do not even follow NICE Guidelines which stipulate that the best conservative treatment for stress incontinence is a three month programme of pelvic floor muscle training supervised by a specialist physiotherapist.

Unfortunately most women are fobbed off with a leaflet telling them to exercise - an approach that does not meet any NICE guidelines and there is no clinical evidence that it offers any real help.

Trying to describe an exercise in print is clearly inadequate given that clinical research shows that 30% of women cannot even identify how to squeeze their pelvic floor muscles under supervision.

The PelvicToner is such a valuable aid to effective pelvic floor exercise because it helps the user confidently identify the correct muscles to squeeze, it provides a very real positive feedback that the muscles are being squeeze fully and it makes the exercise as effective as possible by providing a resistance to squeeze against.

Finally, and a factor that most 'resistance exercisers' cannot provide, it facilitates the process of increasing the resistance you can squeeze against so that as you improve you can make your exercises harder and harder so that you can achieve the maximum benefit in the shortest time.

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Dr Sarah Jarvis

Dr Sarah JarvisClick to hear Dr Sarah Jarvis, medical broadcaster and BBC Radio 2 Doctor, discuss stress incontinence, pelvic floor exercises and the PelvicToner

Click to listen Dr Sarah Jarvis discusses the PelvicToner

Janey Lee Grace

Janey Lee GraceJaney Lee Grace, broadcaster and author of many books on natural health, is a great advocate of natural solutions.

Watch Janey talk about the PelvicToner on Janey Loves