
Maureen's email is the kind of email that makes life worthwhile!

PelvicToner, absolutely great. An easy to use device which really works quickly.

Thank you for your prompt service.

All other exercises had failed so thank you again.

I am 73 years old so if I can use it anyone can!

Maureen Downie (email 22 July 2013)

Dr Sarah Jarvis

Dr Sarah JarvisClick to hear Dr Sarah Jarvis, medical broadcaster and BBC Radio 2 Doctor, discuss stress incontinence, pelvic floor exercises and the PelvicToner

Click to listen Dr Sarah Jarvis discusses the PelvicToner

Janey Lee Grace

Janey Lee GraceJaney Lee Grace, broadcaster and author of many books on natural health, is a great advocate of natural solutions.

Watch Janey talk about the PelvicToner on Janey Loves