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Why do women deny themselves treatment for incontinence?

Research in the US goes a long way to explaining why women do not or will not ask for help with their incontinence problems. In conclusions that reflect the statements made by NICE about women in the UK, the US research suggests that it is the lack of knowledge and the attitudes of doctors that create the biggest barrier to seeking help for a problem that can be simply and effectively cured in over 80% of cases. More...

New analysis highlights failings in post-natal care

5000 new mothers each week will develop serious long term health problems because of the poor post-natal advice and guidance that they receive. This is the claim of Barry Fowler, author of The Kegel Legacy (ebook gbp1.99), based on a new analysis of published data. More...

Charlotte - the PelvicToner changed my life

I am 26 and have been using a PelvicToner for about 4 years and I can safely say it has changed my life. I have weak muscles surrounding my bladder and before I sought help would go to the toilet 24 times or more in one day More...

Anne's prolapse experience

The diagnosis of a prolapse made any really depressed but she searched for the best way to help herself and has been spared surgery and a life time of using a vaginal pessary More...

The PelvicToner™ independent review TIPS

I had two medically intrusive traumatic births and a vaginal hysterectomy. I am now a 44 year old busy Mum of two. Although I have been lucky not to suffer from any urinary stress incontinence, I can definitely use all the help I can get with my pelvic floor and exercises! More...

Your Wellness magazine Nov 2012

“I gave birth to my third child six months ago and I’m suffering ‘embarrassing leaks’. When my baby is sleeping, it’s really important for me to be able to play with my 18 month-old toddler and my 6 year old, but I simply can’t run, dance around or bounce on the trampoline with needing sanitary towels. Even sneezing means I have to cross my legs! I feel like an elderly lady needing incontinence pads! My sex life isn’t great either. Please help with this awful problem.” More...

Pelvic organ prolapse - a common problem

Approximately 30%-40% of women develop some presentation of vaginal prolapse in their lifetime, usually following menopause, childbirth, or a hysterectomy. Most women who develop this condition are older than 40 years of age. Many women who develop symptoms of a vaginal prolapse do not seek medical help because of embarrassment or other reasons. More...

The Kegel Legacy

When Arnold Kegel introduced his eponymous pelvic floor exercise programme in 1948, he improved the lives of millions of women across the world. More...

Allie - her pelvic floor has woken up

Allie had had surgery for PID which left her unable to achieve orgasm but the PelvicToner changed that! "just wanted to give you a bit of feedback on my PelvicToner which arrived this week...what a super product. I've used it twice a day (180 reps on the extra set of springs I ordered) and can already feel more awareness of the pelvic floor muscles.. it's like they've woken up since using them with the PelvicToner" More...

The Green Parent August 2012

In my recent online survey ‘You and your body after childbirth’, I was delighted to see that over 90 %of mums attempted to breastfeed from the off. Sadly after birth 41.8 % experienced mood swings and 79.6 % were too tired to make love. Over 50% of mums experienced a weak bladder and ‘embarrassing leaks’ More...

Gladys - The improvement was

As a 63 year old lollipop lady Gladys wouldn't go on holiday because of her bladder problems. Now she goes skipping with her granddaughter. "First signs of improvement began within a week of starting to use the PelvicToner, and after one month, the improvement was "incredible". More...

Ann - I have total control

Ann had suffered from prolapse problems for years and eventually did her own research on the internet. "10 years ago I had a macro plastique injection, which worked for 9 years. 6 months ago my symptoms returned only worse, with very poor bladder control." More...

Margaret - amazed and delighted by the result

At 60, Margaret did not expect to achieve such an improvement in her bladder control in just 4 days. "After only four days of using my Pelvic Toner I am already noticing a huge improvement in the control of my bladder. I am both amazed and delighted by the result and intend to carry on with daily exercises. The device has enabled me to identify my pelvic muscle, something I had found impossible to feel or use prior to this." More...

Katie - I can hardly believe the way things have changed

Katie told Woman's Own that "a gadget saved her sex life"! Katie Young endured crippling pain and depression as she battled with severe endometriosis. But despite undergoing radical surgery and a difficult recovery, she is now enjoying life - and love - with her fiance, and it's all thanks to an inexpensive device. More...

Heather - believes surgery will now not be necessary

"Five years ago at the age of 37 I had a hysterectomy and vaginal repair due to a severe uterine prolapse and a cystocele (bladder prolapsing into the vagina). All was well for four and half years and then I started to experience a familiar feeling of dragging into the vagina" More...

Claire - vaginal orgasms are definitely not a myth

Claire is a midwife and thought she knew a thing or two about pelvic floor exercises. But neither she or her partner were finding their sex life satisfying, "I began using it for a few minutes every night and was soon doing more than 100 squeezes a day. Within a month Paul was commenting on the difference - and two years on, I can happily report that vaginal orgasms are definitely not a myth!" More...

Shelley - life has never been better

Shelley was considering surgery to tighten her vagina after three children. "When we had intercourse, he couldn't climax, and once asked, "Am I still inside you?" I was embarrassed, humiliated, and ashamed that I couldn't be a proper lover to him." More...

Nicola - as an added bonus her sex life has improved, too

Nicola's incontinence is much improved and as an added bonus her sex life has improved, too! ""I use the PelvicToner everytime I feel the need to top up my muscle strength and I intend to keep on using it because I don't want my bladder muscles to weaken again." More...

Laura - Thank You for your amazing Pelvic Toner

Laura's incontinence was getting in the way of her yoga practice and other exercise. "I have many friends who have young children and leaking is something which we all have accepted as part of having children despite the fact we are in our 30's/late 20's." More...

New mothers deserve better

Clinical research suggests that 30% of new mothers will suffer lasting problems with Urinary Stress Incontinence - that's 5000 every week! More...

Libido lost and found

The PelvicToner was designed to cure stress incontinence and in clinical trials it proved to be the most effective treatment available. But there is very strong evidence from clinical trials and a 5000 strong survey of women and their orgasm experience that strengthening the pelvic floor can have a profound effect on sexual satisfaction and libido. More...

Cut it out - Sunday Times June 2011

"Many women see delivering a baby as an emotional high point despite the fact that up to one in three of them will afterwards suffer some form of incontinence, and up to one in six some form of sexual dysfunction. More...

Maureen - I can use it anyone can!

PelvicToner, absolutely great. An easy to use device which really works quickly. Thank you for your prompt service. All other exercises had failed so thank you again. I am 73 years old so if I can use it anyone can! More...

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