What our customers say about the PelvicToner

Amazing results

We have asked everyone who has bought a PelvicToner from our website since October 2015, to complete a "One minute survey" on how they found the PelvicToner. And we are delighted with the response - read on to see why!

The results below are for customers who used their PelvicToner more than once a week.*

Rating: 8½ out of 10

Customer who answered our survey gave the PelvicToner a fantastic average rating of 8½ out of 10 across all users.

For customers who purchased their PelvicToner to treat Stress Incontinence, this went up to an amazing 9½ out of 10!

Improvement: 1½ steps

On the scale of Very poor > Poor > Adequate > Good > Very good, customers reported an average increase of 1½ steps.

Customers who used it for Stress Incontinence achieved even more, with an average of 1.8 steps, moving from poor to good.

Recommend a friend: 92%

An amazing 92% of customers said they would recommend the PelvicToner to a friend.

We are very grateful for such an emphatic endorsement from our customers and very much hope you will take their advice.

What they said

In addition to the numbers, we had some excellent feedback, which we'd like to share with you.

(out of 10)

Please tell us in your own words what you think of the PelvicToner and how it has helped you?

10 Bought because of Post hysterectomy & bladder complications. I found Your product the most easiest to use pelvic toner on the market with excellent results. I am a qualified nurse & Can not recommended this product enough! 
10 It's a great help to train my pelvic floor whenever I want. I feel more secure now.
10 Given me more confidence when running for fitness. Now I don't leak! The more you use it the stronger your muscles become .
10 Well designed, easy to use, the hardest thing is remembering to use it. But it does work so worth it.
10 I have only been using it for four weeks or so and whilst I would like to think it is making a difference I think it is too early to tell. I do hope that it is as I have a very small prolapse and need this to work.
10 Before I was rushing to the toilet all the time, and sometimes only just making it, this has now stopped and it does not happen now only occasionally.
10 I had a problem with stress incontinence and that has improved significantly
10 Easy and effective - have recommended it!
10 I would recommend this to all women, I have. I can now sneeze and cough standing up! no more tiny leaks. This is an essential exercise tool for all women of my age bracket, early fifties with two children.
10 Improves your control Of urinating and impious the elasticity of the Pelvic floor. A great product to own!
10 Easy to use, and gets easier the more you use it
10 The reason I purchased the pelvic toner was that I had decided to take up running and was quite upset to find that I couldn't run without leaking urine. I had though I would have to start wearing pads when I ran and although I am 53 years old ( or young) found this a rather depressing prospect.
Then I saw your advert in cosmopolitan and made a purchase. After 3 months of using the toner I can cough & sneeze without crossing my legs and I'm pleased to say I can also run without the need for pads.
I would recommend the pelvic toner to anyone who has stress incontinence.
I have told my sister about it & she has used my discount to purchase one, I can only hope her results are as good as mine.
Thank you.
10 See above for how it has helped. Easy to use and effective.
9 Very impressed easier to use than the Kegel I was using.
9 a reminder and the means to do pelvic floor exercises !
9 The main advantage for me was the physical presence of the Pelvic Toner reminded to to do the exercises.
9 It's really improved things after childbirth. Thank you!
8 It has improved the tjne in my pelvic floor muscles.
8 Improved muscle tone
8 It's still early days I have only been using it for two weeks, but I am more aware of the muscles I have to use.
8 it has helped me regain tone and confidence especially when doing gym classes
8 It has helped me properly locate the correct muscles and makes me feel like I'm preventing problems in the future, all being well
8 Less stressed and worried about incontinence and reduced lower back pain
7 Has given me focus for pelvic floor exercise
7 It has helped me maintain my pelvic floor muscles after training from a specialist physiotherapist.
6 I think my prolapse has gone too far!
1 I have tried to use this product but I do not like it at all.
  - Developed an infection - doctor did not agree with introducing a foreign object into that area. Doctor did not recommend I continue use.
  - I was mortified that I had some urinary incontinence when standing from a seated position. Sometimes even the thought of needing to go to the loo brought on some leakage. I had contemplated surgery but now have put it on the back burner .

* The figures and comments above are for customers who used their PelvicToner once or more a week using data collect until 17 May 2016. In the near future, we plan to give you live access to all of the anonymised results, but we need to do some technical work before we can do that.

About the survey

Every customer who purchases a PelvicToner from our website is sent an email approximately 3 months after their purchase, asking them to fill in a short survey. The results are filtered on 2 criteria:

- when a customer said that they used their PelvicToner once or less a week, we feel this means that they did not give it a fair chance and are not in a position to judge whether or not it works.

- where customers have referred to specific or personal medical issues, which we feel that it is inappropriate to share

Otherwise, they results and comments published above have not been edited (except for the odd, obvious typo).

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