A weak pelvic floor affects millions of women across the UK and it can lead to urninary stress incontinence, vaginal prolapse and disappointing sex.
The pelvic floor, like any other muscle, can be toned and strengthened by exercise and pelvic floor (or Kegel) exercises are the recommended NHS treatment for a weak pelvic floor.
The PelvicToner is a simple device that makes women's pelvic floor exercises more effective, delivering a much greater return on your efforts. And it's NHS approved and available on prescription.
Simple, quick and effective
The PelvicToner is:
Simple - The Pelvic Toner is simple to understand and simple to use. You can be exercising effectively within a few minutes of opening the box.
Quick - the basic exercise programme only takes 5 minutes and is effective performed 3 or more times a week.
Effective - you can feel your muscles working straight away and most users notice significant improvements in 2 to 3 weeks.
Clinically approved
The PelvicToner provides a "Gold Standard" treatment for a weak pelvic floor. It is:
NHS approved - listed as an approved device in the NHS Drugs Tariff.
Available on prescription - you can get one from your GP.
Clinically proven - shown in clinical trials to be an effective aid to Pelvic Floor Muscle Treatment.
Low cost
Only £27.99 (inc. P&P), or click here to see more ...