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The PelvicToner vaginal exerciser - easy to use and highly effective

We believe that one product best encapsulates Kegel's principles - the PelvicToner.

The PelvicToner is a patented progressive resistance vaginal exerciser, and a registered medical device, which is designed to help you identify and isolate your pelvic floor muscles and exercise them effectively by squeezing against a resistance provided by sets of springs.

Over 50,000 women in the UK have purchased a PelvicToner

In the final analysis, there is no doubt that the primary treatment for stress incontinence is to improve the pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor exercises cannot be practiced effectively in isolation and there is overwhelming evidence that women will benefit greatly from using a progressive resistance vaginal exerciser. Users of the PelvicToner report exceptional results.

  • 87% of PelvicToner users reported improved bladder control within 4 weeks
  • 80% of PelvicToner users reported an improved sex life within 4 weeks
  • 92% of PelvicToner users reported greater awareness of their pelvic floor after just 2 weeks (source: 2007 user survey)

You can see natural health guru Janey Lee Grace discuss the PelvicToner and the importance of Pelvic Floor Exercises on The Wright Stuff (Channel 5 TV) by clicking here!

Dr Sarah Brewer, renowned sex health expert and Medical Director of The Academy of Sex and Relationships says:
�Dr Arnold Kegel reported a landmark study in 1952 linking sexual satisfaction for women and the muscle tone of their pelvic floor.

In many ways, we have failed women ever since by not telling them how to do these exercises correctly. The secret � as identified by Kegel � is to improve muscle tone by exercising against resistance.

People understand that to improve muscle it�s no good just lifting our arms in the air � no matter how many repetitions we do.

We have to introduce some form of resistance to get good results, and it�s the same with pelvic floor exercise.

Encouraging women to squeeze repeatedly when sat on the bus or to use devices that do not offer resistance, means many women are wasting their time and increasing their sense of frustration.

Strengthening the female pelvic floor muscles tightens the vaginal embrace, increasing friction and pleasure during love-making, which benefits both partners. Clinical research shows the PelvicToner increases the strength of pelvic floor exercises by 28%, and improves resting pelvic muscle tone by almost 10%. As a result, four out of five women report increased sexual satisfaction."

Getting started

The PelvicToner comes with full written instructions (click here to download a copy to read or print off). You must read these completely before use.

The PelvicToner is not sterile on delivery and you should wash the PelvicToner in warm, soapy water before use.

Gently open the PelvicToner and insert one starter spring in the position nearest the hinge. When you close the arms of the PelvicToner you will notice a click as it passes the point that keeps the springs securely in position.

First make sure you lubricate the vaginal area and the PelvicToner from the tip to the ridge. We recommend a water soluble product such as Wet Original or Sylk paraben free natural lubricant.

The depth of penetration is around 10cm. The tip is just 3cm across and this represents the maximum 'stretch' that you will experience. All women should find the use of the PelvicToner perfectly comfortable.

Lay down on your back with your head resting on at least one pillow, relax and bend your knees keeping your feet flat about two feet apart. Position the PelvicToner with the 'front' adjacent to the vagina. Hold the PelvicToner closed with your hand and insert the unit into your vaginal opening up to the first ridge and slowly release your grip. Make sure that the arms of the PelvicToner are at least 1-2 cm apart at the tip or you will have nothing to squeeze against. If necessary move to the second spring position or use both starter springs (see below). You are now ready to begin.

You can easily check that you are closing the PelvicToner correctly. Hint: see what this feels like before you insert the PelvicToner by gently squeezing the open end of the PelvicToner closed with your left hand while your right hand thumb and forefinger are detecting the movement at the hinge. Position your thumb and forefinger just like you can see in the picture - right - to detect the slightest movement. Now do the same thing when you are squeezing your vaginal muscles to close the PelvicToner.

Start with 3 sets of 30 repetitions (reps) or a total of 90 reps or 90 closings and work up to 6 sets of 30 reps or a total of 180 reps or 180 closings with a rest of 15 seconds in between sets. This can be done every day, but not less than three times a week.  When you feel that you can do your reps with ease you are ready to add the second spring.

In order to improve your muscle tone and increase blood supply to your vaginal muscles it is the number of repetitions that you perform that is important. When you can comfortably squeeze your PelvicToner with one spring in each position then you can maximise the benefits by doing more and more squeezes (for example, 3 lots of 30 or even 50 repetitions) or by squeezing and holding the PelvicToner closed.

For the more ambitious
Some women want to develop much stronger vaginal muscles than others. The basic weight lifting principles apply - repetition builds muscle tone and definition, weight (or force) builds strength. When you feel your vaginal muscles have become too strong for the first set of springs you can buy a special set of stronger springs. These are twice as strong as the springs that come with your PelvicToner. The two spring positions and two strengths of spring mean that five levels of resistance (x -xxxxx) are possible. 

One spring
nearer hinge
One spring
nearer tip
Both springs
Standard springs x xx xxx
Stronger springs xxx xxxx xxxxx

When you have completed your exercise routine simply remove your PelvicToner. Do not try to force it out. Hold the PelvicToner closed with your hand and take a few minutes and relax. Take several deep breaths until your vaginal muscles relax and the PelvicToner can be removed easily.

Cleaning your PelvicToner and maintaining hygiene is easy. Just hand wash with soap and water before and after use. 

The PelvicToner is manufactured from medical grade plastic and incorporates an anti-microbial finish. It is also dishwasher safe and the springs are stainless steel and should not rust or corrode.

Download full instruction leaflet - click here

How to use the PelvicToner


Instruction leaflet

Notice d'emploi

Kurzanweisung zu Beckenboden�bungen

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The PelvicToner is registered as a Class 1 medical device (vaginal trainer)
under the provisions of the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC
Trademark and patents: Body, Mind, Design Inc, FL, USA  US patent 6258015 European Patent 1201270 
Manufactured under license in the UK by SPM Ltd



Janey Loves

Best innovative women's product - PelvicToner

"A life changing product, say our testers, who found this amazingly effective to strengthen the pelvic floor, great for your sex life !"














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